The Rock And Bead Bazar is located in the Barnyard in Carmel. Check the home page for details. In my gallery you find my Custom Jewelry Designs but in my studio I do a wide variety of repairs and revamping of unwearable, broken jewelry. I am no longer in my store as my partner is running it, but you can send repairs, revamps, etc to 7869 E Spouse Drive, Prescott Valley, AZ 86314 and text me your request. I can do a wide variety of repair work from simple clasp or chain repairs to restringing and reinventing. As a Lapidarist (stone cutter) I can also do special repairs of  inlaid rings that have lost their stones. I can bring outdated jewelry to life with some renovation and revamping. I can make pendants out of an earring that has lost it's mate, and generally make one thing out of another. Also customize and make to order pendants, rings and more.
Invention and innovation are my middle name!
Wire wraps are my specialty . .send your stones or sea glass for a custom look! The repairs will be done promptly and returned to you ASAP. Payment can be done thru the stores merchant account. Don't hesitate to send me a text to 831-620-1299 or an email with inquiries at 
               R o c k  &  B e a d  B a z a r
                                      G A L L E R Y  &  S T U D I O
email me
This was a custom creation from a simple onyx ring that was given to me by an older man who had lost his wife. She wore it all the time and he wanted something made out of it that he could wear in her memory. I made a silver bezel that I inlaid turquoise stones in and encased it all in resin so it looked like the stones were in a riverbed under water. He loved wearing bolos so I braided some leather and this ornamental piece became a keepsake in his wifes memory.
A woman had these lovely pearls and the concept of making a ring with them.  I created a silver structure that made the ring section and then wire wrapped all the pearls so they dangled  in clusters and created a 'shaky' style ring for her that fit her vision. Comfortable to wear and highly unique, she loved it!
This was a highly expensive designer necklace that had been given to a client but it was unwearable because the design was poorly laid out and poked her in the chest. The large horns of pounded silver were also wired together in such a way that is laid awkwardly and so I literally had to pull each separate silver 'horn' apart and rewire the entire structure together so that it made sense and was comfortable to wear. It was a very challenging task but one that proved to be quite fulfilling when completed.
Stunning Mexican Opal Pendant wrapped in gold
A rare pendant of Chrysoprase wrapped in gold

​Natural Gemstone
pendants I create through lapidary stone cutting techniques and then wire wrap in Gold

freshwater pearl 'crab' pin
Silver bezel set turquoise bolo
ornament with braided leather.
wire wrapped sea glass pendants
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Baltic Amber with an Opal inlay center
A gold 'gossamer' metal weave with gold coin pearls